add a bottle of wine to that & I'm
in heaven!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stromboli ~ Grilled

If you live in the New York, you probably take Stromboli for granted.  You can order one with your pizza or pick one up at your local Italian sub shop.  But... when you live on the other side of the country you quickly learn, Stromboli is an east coast thing & something that we desperately need on the west side.

I started making Stromboli back in college as a tasty way of utilizing the last of the cold cuts, a mismatch of veggies or various cheeses.  It is truly one of the best ways to clean out the refrigerator.  But as a composed dish, it becomes a blend of flavors that celebrate our taste buds.  It becomes something that I crave.

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.  Roll out your pizza dough the size of your cookie sheet.  I use Trader Joes' Pizza Dough because it's good, cheap, & easy.  As I explore different recipes for pizza dough, I may change my mind... I'll let you know if I do.

The wonderful thing about Stromboli is that it should be completely customized to your tastes.  This is how I made mine this time around.

My meats:
Crack Pepper Roasted Turkey

My cheeses:

My veggies:
Sauteed Sweet Peppers & Onions
Sauteed Garlic & Mushrrooms

All of these ingredients are layered down the center of the pizza leaving enough of a dough border to fold over & seal.  I try & think about order, what makes sense with the flavors running down from top to bottom.  What colors look good next to each other.  Where do the veggies go so they don't slip out.

I started with fresh grated parmesan down the center topped by the mozzarella that will serve to hold the Stromboli together. Then I layered ham, salami, turkey, tomatoes, mushrooms, provolone, peppers & onions, pastrami, pepperoni.  Fold the ends of the dough over then one of the long sides.  Finish with the last side helping the seal with a light egg wash.  Place the Stromboli seams side down on an oiled cookie sheet.  This time I brushed the whole Stromboli with an egg wash & sprinkled it with sesame seeds.  In the past I have rubbed olive oil over the entire Stromboli & sprinkled with garlic or red pepper flakes & parmesan.  What ever works for you.  Place Stromboli in the oven for 20 minutes.

Stromboli is great straight out of the oven but I've been enjoying it a different way... grilled!  I recently made 18 Strombolis ahead of time & reheated them on the grill & it worked out beautifully.  It would be a perfect addition to that Super Bowl BBQ.  When I am making Stromboli ahead of time, I like to release some of the liquids as it cools.  I do this by putting it on a slanted cooling rack & tray.  I make tiny slices on the bottom side for the juices to run out.  Not only is this healthier but the crust won't get soggy as it cools in it's own drippings.  When the Stromboli is cool, I pre-slice it into thin pieces, put it back together, wrap it parchment paper, then wrap it again in aluminum foil.  It's a tidy bundle to go anywhere.  I reheated on a grill for at least 5 minutes on each side.  To serve, rip open the foil & lightly charred parchment & the Stromboli is already neatly sliced into crunchy, smoky, cheesy, bites.


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